Everyone Meaning in Hindi with Definition and Examples

Meaning in Hindi

Thesaurus (Synonyms & Similar Words) of everyone

  1. Commonwealth, General Public, All Hands, One And All, State, Tout Le Monde, Totality, Citizenry, Everyman, People, John Doe, Everywoman, Populace, Men, People In General, Every Man Jack, Everybody, All, Population, Gentry, Community At Large, All The World, You And Me, Society, Folk, Community, Polity, Persons, Nation, All And Sundry, Folks, Nationality, Whole, Common Man, Public, Body Politic, Wo

Usage Examples of Everyone

  1. Everyone, he thought, must have adored her; all men assuredly must have coveted her
  2. And methinks everyone knows it; but in case you haven't heard
  3. Everyone looked grave
  4. Everyone who was in count bezukhov's house that night gathered around the table to fortify themselves
  5. I must just forget her thats what everyone else says
  6. Here is my attempt to help everyone understand the greatest of life
  7. Self-love that shut out everyone else
  8. This should cover everyone in the group
  9. Everyone has a moment in history which belongs particularly to him
  10. Everyone got a cut of the earnings
  11. He talked short with everyone
  12. Everyone helped out during the earthquake
  13. A secret shop that everyone knows
  14. A simple plan: three goals for everyone
  15. Be different! (like everyone else!)

Everyone Meaning and Definition in English

  1. Everybody; - Commonly Separated, Every One.
  2. Everybody;